
Welcome to Our EYFS Phonics Page for the Summer Term!

In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), phonics plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for early literacy skills.

During the summer term, we focus on  consolidating the Phase 3 phonemes, helping children build upon their existing knowledge and develop fluency in reading and writing words with Phase 3 phonemes.

Exploring Phase 3 Phonemes: Phase 3 phonics introduces children to a wider range of sounds and graphemes, expanding their phonemic awareness and decoding skills. Through interactive activities, games, and multisensory experiences, children explore consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs, and trigraphs, such as 'ai,' 'ee,' 'oa,' 'igh,' 'oo,' and 'ar.'

Reading Words with Phase 3 Phonemes: During the summer term, children engage in daily phonics sessions where they read and blend words containing Phase 3 phonemes. They practice segmenting and blending sounds to decode unfamiliar words, building confidence and fluency in their reading skills. Through guided practice and independent exploration, children develop strategies for reading words with accuracy and expression.

Writing Words with Phase 3 Phonemes: In addition to reading, children also focus on writing words with Phase 3 phonemes confidently. They learn to segment words into individual sounds and use their knowledge of grapheme-phoneme correspondence to spell words accurately. Through hands-on activities, interactive games, and collaborative writing tasks, children develop their spelling and phonics skills in a supportive and engaging environment.

At The Roebuck School, we provide a structured and systematic approach to phonics instruction, ensuring that every child receives the support and guidance they need to become confident and proficient readers and writers. Our dedicated teachers use the Red Rose Phonics Scheme which provides a variety of resources and teaching strategies to make phonics learning fun, interactive, and meaningful for all children.

Join us on an exciting phonics journey this summer term, where children explore the magical world of letters, sounds, and words, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of literacy success!

Helping your child at home with their phonics and reading can be both enjoyable and beneficial. Encouraging regular reading sessions together is a great way to support your child's literacy development. The home reader books  match their phonics level.

Practice phonics sounds and letter recognition by playing simple word games or using flashcards.

Create a quiet and comfortable reading area at home where your child can explore books independently.

Celebrate their progress and achievements to boost their confidence and enthusiasm for reading.

Most importantly, make reading and phonics activities fun and engaging, fostering a love for learning that will last a lifetime.

Resources to help.


Phase 2


Here is a great website to help you with your child's phonics.


Have a look at these video phonics lessons



Phase 3 Sounds



Have a look/ listen a these free audio books




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