
In the files section at the bottom of the page are all the newsletters related to this academic year


Important – Nut Allergy

We do have children and staff in school with severe nut allergies. Please DO NOT send anything into school which contains nuts, in packed lunches and as snacks, thank you. A reminder that snacks should be healthy – no chocolate bars.


Data Collection Sheets, Parental Consents and Home School Agreements

Forms were sent home with children in all year groups apart from Reception and Nursery yesterday. It is imperative that these forms are completed and returned as soon as possible as they contain important information. Thank you to everybody who has already taken the time to complete and return the forms.


School Uniform

Please could we ask that all school uniform is clearly named – we have such a lot of children taking off jumpers, and then are unable to tell which is theirs.

Also, just a reminder that all footwear should be plain black, even for PE, and earrings should be either removed or taped over on the days you have PE.


Dinner Money

A reminder, please, that dinner money should be paid for in advance.


Year 6 Children

We are at the time of year when Year 6 children need to be applying for High School. The application process has opened and will close on 31st October 2024. To apply for High School please visit Please remember that Moor Park High School have a slightly different admissions policy, details of which can be found on their website.


Open Evenings

If you know anybody who is due to start Primary School or Nursery next year, please let them know of our forthcoming Open Evenings. This is an opportunity for new parents to come and have a look at our wonderful school. The Open Evenings for nursery and school will be held on; -

Tuesday 15th October     3:30 – 5pm

Tuesday 12th November 3:30 – 5pm

Files to Download