
In the files section at the bottom of the page are all the newsletters related to this academic year


Year 6 Leavers

Year 6 children are invited to their Leavers’ Disco on Thursday 18th July from 6 -8pm at the Sports Hall. Please pick your children up promptly at 8pm. We would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best of luck at their new schools, we are sure they will be wonderful!


Celebration of Learning


We would like to invite you to come to your child’s class to see a showcase of this year’s work at 2:30pm on the day.


Sports Clubs

All the Sports Clubs, netball, multisports, basketball and athletics, have now finished for the year. Deposits will be returned this week.


Dinner Money

Please could you ensure that all dinner money is paid up to date before the end of term. Anyone with any arrears will be asked to send their child/ren with a packed lunch in September.


End of Term

Please could we ask that all reading books are returned to school this week. Also, we have several lunchboxes that have been left in school for a while. These will be on the trolleys at the end of the day – any unclaimed lunchboxes will be binned! There is also quite a lot of lost property – coats etc. Please ensure that you check for any lost belongings. Thank you.


Free School Meal Vouchers

The vouchers for children on benefit related Free School Meals will be sent out via email as usual on Friday. A reminder that they all arrive at different times through the day, so please don’t worry if they don’t arrive until later on.


Summer Holidays

We break up for the Summer Holidays on Friday 19th July at 1:45pm. Please be prompt collecting your child, thank you. School re-opens on Tuesday 3rd September at 8:40am. Please remember this is the new start time and ALL children are expected to be here for that time.

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