Wider Curriculum


Science - In science the focus will be on plants. We will be looking at the conditions a plant needs to grow and remain healthy as well as comparing different plants around the world. We will be designing our own investigations and growing our own plants.

PSHE - We will be looking at Managing our Feelings. We will investigate our day-to-day feelings and explore grief and loss.

Art - This half term we will look at drawing and digital media, linking this to cave paintings. We will explore different artists, craftspeople and designers working in different time periods as well as creating our own sketches and artwork on crumpled paper and other media to create the effect of cave paintings.  

History - In History we will be continuing our learning about prehistory by looking at the next time period – the Bronze Age to Iron Age. We will explore changes in people’s lifestyles including houses, tools and hunting techniques.

PE - This half term our PE sessions on Tennis will take place on Tuesday mornings. Full PE kits should be worn all day on this day.  That includes the red PE t-shirt, black shorts and jogging bottoms, school jumper and pumps or black trainers.

Computing - We will begin our unit by looking into the advantages and disadvantages of different types of communication. We will then use our Purple Mash accounts to learn how to write and send e-mails.