
This half term we will be exploring the the Shakespeare classic of Macbeth.  We will explore the narrative looking at images, describing the characters and then innovating our own version of the story.  There will be a focus on speaking and listening and we will using all the language features we have explored to innovate our own version of the story.

In our grammar sessions we wil be looking at using expanded noun phrases,conjunctions and paragraphs to improve the sentences we make. 


The children will be given weekly spellings to practise and we will be using a variety of different activities to help the children learn their spellings and the spelling rules including using spelling frame. The children will be given new spellings on a Monday and they will be tested on a Friday.  It is expected that your child practises their spellings at least three times per week at home.  Keep a look out on Class Dojo for activities to help with this.