Wider Curriculum

Below is an outline of the key learning in some of our wider curriculum areas. 


In Geography we will be recapping our knowledge of the names and locations of the continents before focusing on the continent of Africa and the country of Kenya. We will be using atlases, maps and websites to find out information about the human and physical features, the climate and wildife in Kenya before comparing Kenya to England.

In Science we will be learning about the season of Spring. We will identify the changes to weather, temperature and plants in this season and find out how to collect weather data. We will create a weather report using all of this knowledge.

In Art we will be looking at the work of the artist William Morris. We will be printing using different materials. We will learn how to mono print and will create artwork in the style of William Morris. 

In PSHE we are discussing what money is and how it is obtained, how people make choices about what to do with money and how to keep money safe.  

In PE our topic is gymnastics. 

In R.E. we are learning about the religion of Christianity and some of the symbols of Christianity such as the cross. We will be identifying the features of a church such as the altar, pews and pulpit. We will design and make our own model church and describe the parts. We will also find out about Christian worship in the church. Finally, we will listen to and discuss the story of Easter.  

In Computing we will be using Purple Mash to learn about e-books. We will compare traditional books and electronic books. We will then create our own simple e-book by using paint tools, sound and animation effects.