
Welcome to Our EYFS Mathematics Page!

In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), mathematics lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Through engaging activities and exploration, children develop essential numeracy skills while fostering a love for numbers and problem-solving.

Number Bonds to 5:
Number bonds to 5 are an essential concept in EYFS mathematics. Children explore different combinations of numbers that add up to 5, such as 1 + 4, 2 + 3, and 0 + 5. Through hands-on activities and interactive games, children develop a solid understanding of number relationships and basic addition concepts.

Counting to 20 and Back:
Counting is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of mathematical understanding. In EYFS, children practice counting to 20 and back, using a variety of resources such as counting objects, number lines, and songs. By mastering counting skills, children develop number recognition, sequencing, and one-to-one correspondence.

Knowing the Last Number is the Amount:
Understanding cardinality is an important milestone in mathematical development. In EYFS, children learn that the last number they count represents the total amount in a set. Through hands-on activities and group discussions, children develop a deeper understanding of quantity and number representation.

Identifying Doubles:
Recognising doubles is an early introduction to addition and multiplication concepts. In EYFS, children explore patterns and relationships between numbers, identifying doubles such as 1 + 1, 2 + 2, and 3 + 3. By recognizing doubles, children develop mental math strategies and strengthen their number sense.

Shapes and Positional Language:
Exploring shapes and positional language enhances spatial awareness and geometric reasoning. In EYFS, children identify and describe 2D and 3D shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, cubes, and cylinders. They also learn positional language, such as above, below, beside, and between, through hands-on activities and visual aids.


At The Roebuck School, we provide a rich and stimulating learning environment where children can explore and discover mathematical concepts with confidence and curiosity. Through play-based learning, teacher-guided activities, and interactive experiences, we inspire a lifelong love for mathematics and empower children to become confident and capable mathematicians.

Join us on an exciting mathematical journey in EYFS, where every discovery and every number counts!


Watch these videos to support your child's mathematical understanding.


Counting Songs


Maths Games to play at home.