
Exploring Literacy in EYFS

In Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), literacy is a fundamental aspect of children's learning and development. Through engaging stories and imaginative tales, children are introduced to the enchanting world of language and storytelling.

The Enormous Turnip

In the coming weeks, Reception children will delight in the classic tale of "The Enormous Turnip," immersing themselves in its charming storyline of teamwork and perseverance. Alongside this timeless story, they'll engage in a variety of literacy activities tailored to enhance their learning experience. From sequencing events to retelling the story using props and role-play, they'll deepen their understanding while honing their narrative skills. Through writing activities and reading they'll explore language in meaningful ways. Additionally, they'll expand their vocabulary through discussions about the story's themes and characters, fostering a deeper connection to the text while building essential literacy skills.
Read the story here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGw5yTOPTSQ



The Hungry Caterpillar
 "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," Reception children will embark on a delightful journey of discovery. They'll engage in interactive reading sessions, exploring the colourful illustrations and the caterpillar's adventures. Through activities like sequencing the story events, identifying key vocabulary, and creating their own mini-books, they'll strengthen their comprehension skills and nurture a love for storytelling. Additionally, they'll have opportunities to express their creativity through arts and crafts, bringing the beloved tale to life in their own unique ways. Read the story here https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kQNxBrONqaA?playlist=kQNxBrONqaA&autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&loop=1&start=



Handa's Surprise :

As Reception children dive into "Handa's Surprise" during English sessions, they'll embark on a vibrant journey through the sights and sounds of Africa. Through engaging reading sessions, they'll immerse themselves in Handa's adventure, exploring the rich illustrations and diverse characters. Activities such as retelling the story using puppets, tasting tropical fruits mentioned in the book, and crafting their own surprise endings will not only deepen their comprehension but also ignite their imagination and cultural curiosity. Read the story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocnRQi89nK8


Through these captivating stories, children in EYFS not only develop their listening and speaking skills but also enhance their vocabulary, comprehension, and creativity. These stories serve as springboards for imaginative play, storytelling activities, and opportunities for children to express themselves through writing and role-play.

At The Roebuck School, we incorporate these beloved tales into our literacy curriculum, providing children with a rich and immersive learning experience. Through interactive storytelling sessions, literacy-based activities, and a nurturing environment, we inspire a love for reading and ignite the imagination of our young learners.